Health and safety

Caring for employees is fundamental to Ramboll. Maintaining and improving the safety and well-being of employees is one of our most important tasks. It contains policies that define our systematic approach to identifying, managing, and monitoring risks as well as our ongoing commitment to improving our performance.

How We Act, our company-wide health, safety, environmental, and quality management system, aims to support these aspirations.

The management system complies with, and is certified according to, internationally recognised standards: ISO 45001 on occupational health and safety management; ISO 9001 on quality management; and ISO 14001 on environmental management.

Caring together

Through a centralised digital health and safety reporting system, which allows employees to report on health and safety from any location, we have established an internal network of more than 100 colleagues around the globe. They support the review and classification of health and safety incidents, implement corrective or preventative actions, and communicate local or globally identified health and safety patterns.

In 2022, we initiated an increased focus on work observations to create a better health and safety awareness. We encourage employees to report on health- and safety- related observations in their daily work, both positive and negative, and we use these to improve the working environment for employees. This focus continues in 2023, where we have a goal on achieving 4,000 work related observations.

While the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions were widely lifted in 2022, Ramboll continued to follow the situation, and took steps to minimise any residual effects.

Key performance indicators

  • : 0.79

    Lost time incident rate (LTIR)

  • : 1.85

    Total reportable incident rate

  • : 98.2%

    Global Health and Safety training completion

We operate with three health and safety key performance indicators. Lost time incident rate (LTIR), was 0.79 in 2022 (2021: 0.43). The total reportable incident rate (TRIR) was 1.85 in 2022 as compared with 1.37 in 2021. Slips, falls, and strains are the main reasons for health and safety incidents, and the increase in the rates is mainly caused by higher activities after the Covid-19 pandemic, especially more project field work, but also an increase in incidents in our own offices.

Finally, we measure our Health and Safety training completion rate, which was at the same level as 2021, and at very satisfactory 98.2%. The Health and Safety training is mandatory to all employees in Ramboll.

Health and Safety ambitions

Informed by the annual Health and Safety maturity assessment survey results, we have defined the following ambitions:

  • Conduct global Health and Safety campaigns and spotlights to refresh employees’ Health and Safety awareness, as well as continue with regular Health and Safety communications on various digital channels.
  • Collaborate with Human Resources (HR) to include mental health and well-being in our Health and safety training material.
  • Equip leaders with relevant health and safety leadership training to support them in enhancing the company’s Caring Together culture.
  • Further use and leverage our leading and lagging health and safety indicators to advance our How We Act system, inspiring employees to be part of the continual improvement process.

Our com­mit­ments

Financial and Sustainability reporting

    Financial reporting

    Download the financial reporting from the Annual Report of Ramboll Group A/S.


    Sustainability reporting

    Download the sustainability reporting from the Annual Report of Ramboll Group A/S.


Download the Ramboll Annual Report 2022

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