
We act as a trusted partner, always passionate about the success of our clients.

It is only through engaging in close partnerships that we can truly deliver value to our clients while living up to our mission of creating sustainable societies where people and nature flourish. As their trusted partner, we aim to enable the sustainable change for which our clients aspire.

Helping clients navigate volatility

2023 was a year marked by global and political instability. Businesses worldwide faced increased macroeconomic challenges: Constrained supply chains, high input costs, and global shortages impacted our clients, putting further pressure on their ability to make sustainable transitions.

It is in this context that Ramboll’s offerings are more important than ever. We work with our clients to understand and manage complex projects in a changing business environment to help meet their goals, while keeping sustainability in focus.

Our strategy guides us to become “The Partner for Sustainable Change,” and we continue to realign our entire portfolio and operations for increased sustainability impact with clients and stakeholders.

We work closely with our clients to embed more sustainable and innovative solutions into their value chains, and increasingly partner with clients who have clear sustainability goals.

Bringing sustainability into client projects


Constantly improving our knowledge and skills enables us to drive sustainability transformation with our clients.

During 2023, we further organised the way we approach sustainability across our systems and processes, as well as upskilled our employees with the right knowledge and skills to provide a palette of sustainability insights and best practices in our work with clients.

“In every project, you have the opportunity to push for sustainable change. The whole process is something we do in collaboration with our clients where we try to come up with the best solution, both economically, socially, and environmentally.”

Alexandre Guidje
Urban Water Engineer

Satisfied and loyal clients

We measure success by the value created for our clients and strive to have satisfied clients in every project. The feedback we get from our Client Loyalty and Project Satisfaction Surveys helps us respond better to clients’ evolving needs.


In 2023, our Client Loyalty Survey revealed a high client satisfaction score of 4.3 on a scale of 5, and our client project satisfaction score in the Project Satisfaction Survey was 4.4 out of 5.

The Client Loyalty Survey provides feedback from our most important and largest clients, which we use to measure loyalty, satisfaction, and clients’ perception of Ramboll.


Based on their feedback, we see that our clients value our ability to understand their needs, especially in an evolving environment where sustainability-related regulations and requirements are becoming increasingly stringent. We are especially proud that over 90% of respondents said that they see Ramboll as a trusted partner.

*Data based on responses to multiple choice questions and qualitative feedback from Ramboll’s Client Loyalty Survey 2023. The survey collects feedback from all key clients across our markets and geographies, representing the largest share of our revenue. This is a quantitative survey targeting key clients to gauge satisfaction, loyalty, experience, and perception of Ramboll, and identify commercial insights driving our clients’ business. The scores are based on a scale from 1 = low to 5 = high

Sustainability is top of mind

Based on data from our Client Loyalty Survey, we see that sustainability remains important to our clients. Many of our clients have ambitious goals to reduce their environmental footprint, and they rely on our expertise and support to reach them.

In 2023, we expanded our focus on sustainability in the Project Satisfaction Survey to learn more about our clients’ ambitions and challenges in projects. Based on their feedback, we can see that they value our experience and knowledge in sustainability, which is helpful in meeting their business goals.

We also use client feedback from the surveys to continuously adjust our offerings and advice. In 2023, this included documenting sustainability impact on clients’ businesses and value chains, supporting them in operationalising sustainability frameworks, and helping them optimise production processes and commercial operations.

Closing the knowledge gap


Operational frameworks for sustainable activities, such as the European Union Taxonomy or the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, are challenging many companies worldwide.

We are helping clients navigate this complex landscape and advise on how to align their business activities with these reporting frameworks.

“The EU Taxonomy will become a license to operate for many companies, and it will inform business and investment decisions throughout the value chain. And we know that there is quite a knowledge gap.”

Meike Verhey
Associate Manager in Strategic Sustainability Consulting

Innovation and digitalisation

Guided by our strategy, we continue to invest in and elevate our digital competences to further strengthen technology-enabled consultancy offerings to clients. In 2023, we established a dedicated digitalisation and innovation organisation to scale technology, enhance innovation, and bring new tools and insights to our clients even faster. We also began testing artificial intelligence technologies internally, established an AI strategy, and launched an internal AI tool to enhance efficiencies and facilitate continuous learning.

In addition, we work with partners and clients to develop and scale different technological capabilities. For example, we are working with software supplier Autodesk to apply the latest design technologies to sustainability challenges, such as helping our clients reduce their carbon footprint.

Learn more about partners in sustainability

Our com­mit­ments


    Ramboll Annual Report 2023

    Click to download Ramboll’s integrated Annual Report as PDF.


    Financial reporting

    Download the financial reporting from the Annual Report of Ramboll Group A/S.
