Smiths: RE for manufacturing sites

An assessment of renewable energy solutions for Smiths Group’s manufacturing sites could potentially halve the carbon emissions for nine selected sites.
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With the industrial sector being responsible for a quarter of the global emissions, energy efficiency and more rapid uptake of renewable energy are critical for reaching net zero goals.

In 2020, the British multinational engineering company, Smiths Group, with manufacturing sites in more than 50 countries across the world, implemented a strategy to reduce the carbon footprint from its plants as a precursor to making net zero commitments by 2040 from operations - which Smiths made in 2021. The same year, Smiths Group appointed Ramboll, through a framework agreement, to assess and identify potential renewable energy solutions that could contribute to lower carbon emissions.

In the first phase of the project, Ramboll assessed 24 manufacturing sites, doing site surveys, cost and carbon benefit analyses, and ranking of opportunities and recommendations for the second phase of the project.

Based on these recommendations, nine (out of the initial 24) manufacturing sites were shortlisted for further assessment during the second phase of the project. Ramboll’s work covered site surveys, detailed feasibility assessments, energy modelling, initial market engagement and ranking of opportunities and recommendations.

Across the nine shortlisted manufacturing sites assessed during the second phase, Ramboll identified renewable energy solutions with the collective potential of reducing the carbon footprint of the selected sites by 54%.

Some of the identified decarbonisation projects will be implemented directly with Smiths Group. For the others, and for future measures across the company’s estate, new and innovative financing and delivery models will be developed.

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